We all need more light in our lives (Open by 1/31) - SENT 1/30/22

Hello Reader,

This is an unusual email for me to send and yet, I felt a strong need to share this project with you.

My teenager's violin teacher, Kerstin Tenney, is creating a Solo album. She's been talking about this ever since she became our teacher and she recently started a Kickstarter to help her raise funds for completing it. Of course, I have been excited for her and kept meaning to check out the page, but you know how life is, right? Well, the Kickstarter ends on Monday, 1/31, so I finally decided to pop in and make my donation.

And I cried watching her intro video.

I am inspired by her vulnerability.

Her Tenacity.

Her willingness to take action and continue booking all the pieces even without knowing the how.

Her Vision.

Her video reminded me of how we feel when we are working on our big dreams and when we are smack dab in the middle of trying to accomplish them, and can sometimes feel we are all alone, it is important to ask for help and to allow people to contribute to our dreams.

And her vision to call for the light and to share this message resonates deeply with where I am on my journey. I realized how important this "little" album is for our planet and our world and I wanted to share this project to help it become funded and have this magic created.

On her Kickstarter page, Kerstin shares this message:

Little by little, impressions of Light guided me along the way. These impressions have shaped this project, the steps I have taken, and the people I have asked to join me. I am learning that following this Light inspires purpose, courage, and the ability to do what may initially seem impossible. This is the message I want to share with the world through my music.

I'm a little late to the party, but like Kerstin says, we have the ability to do what may initially seem impossible. This is for this album. This is a reminder for your own dreams and what you want to bring into your world.

You can find her Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kerstintenney/album-of-light

If you'd like to listen to a sample of her music, here is a YouTube video of her playing a song with the Salt Lake Pops Orchestra. Personally, I love hearing her play and am grateful to have her talent in our lives.

I hope you are at least inspired by her music and that this song and message has brought some LIGHT into your day. AND for those of you that can, please consider a pledge to help make her dream come true.

Lots of Love (and Light),

PS - If you are able to make a pledge to the Kickstarter, you can use your pledge amount as a direct DISCOUNT off of any of my products or programs during 2022. Just reply to this email with a screenshot of your pledge and that will become a credit for you! Yes, that's how much I want this album to happen. Your money can work double for you. :) Need a reminder about what the current options are? Click here.

Ideal LifeVision

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